Consumer Loans

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The Money You Need When You Need It.

A new car. Wedding Expenses. A vacation. A college education. There are a lot of reasons you may need to borrow money. That's why Bank of Alaska offers so many different kinds of consumer loans. No matter what type you decide is best for you, you'll find our interest rates are among the lowest in the area, our service friendly and professional and our terms flexible and affordable. And with fast decisions made right here in your hometown, the money you need is as close as your nearest Bank of Alaska.

The Money You Need To Improve Your Home . . . From Your Home Town Bank

When you own your own home, you realize that some improvements, and the financing for them, are not always planned for. At Bank of Alaska we have a Home Improvement Loan that is just right for those unexpected repairs or remodeling needs.
The Bank of Alaska Home Improvement Loan offers an easy application and a quick, local decision, all at a great rate. The money you need is as close as your nearest Bank of Alaska. Apply today at a Bank of Alaska office that's right in your own home town.